
Martin Benning

Professor, UCL

I am Professor of Inverse Problems at the Department of Computer Science at University College London.

Prior to my current role, I served as a Senior Lecturer in Inverse Problems and Machine Learning at the School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London, and as a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. Before becoming a lecturer, I was a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Research Fellow and an Isaac Newton Fellow at the University of Cambridge. I earned my PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Münster, Germany, in 2011.

My research interests lie in the theoretical and computational aspects of inverse and ill-posed problems. These problems involve deducing unknown quantities—like imaging the interior of a human body—from indirect observations, which is achieved by inverting a mathematical operator. This inversion process is typically unstable, especially when faced with measurement errors. To counter this, the inverses can be approximated through a series of continuous operators, known as regularisation operators. My research primarily focuses on exploring and implementing model-based and data-driven regularisation methods.

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